Thursday, March 25, 2010

Submitting Maintenance Requests Online

Did you know you can submit a maintenance request online through our website?
Here's easy step by step instructions:

1. Go to
2. Click on "Resident" button
3. Click on "Maintenance Request Form"
4. Fill out the form, and click send!

How incredibly easy is that!? It is the perfect solution to those "Oh yeah!" moments that hit you at odd hours. You know the are relaxing on the couch watching your evening TV show and realize you've been meaning to call and have someone look at your flickering kitchen light. But now that you remember, the office is already closed! This will only take you a minute to jump online and send us a request!

Next time you have a maintenance request, try it out!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Congratulations to Lavada!

Our wonderful resident, Lavada was the winner of our March Early Bird Drawing!

 Lavada took home a basket stuffed full of goodies!

 Thank you, Lavada, for paying your rent on time! 

Would you like to win April's prize? Make sure you pay your rent on time, and you'll automatically be entered into our next drawing for another fabulous prize!